Missing an order confirmation email can be unsettling, but rest assured, your order has been received and processed if you've completed the payment and reached the order confirmation page. Here’s how to troubleshoot the missing email and find your order confirmation details:
Check Your Spam Folder: Your order confirmation email might have landed in your spam or promotions folder.
Review Your Email Settings: Ensure you haven't blocked emails from Boost Collective or unsubscribed from our emails.
Retrieve Order Confirmation from Browser History: Navigate to the order confirmation page from your browser history using the URL: http://boost-collective.com/promotion/checkout/success. Here, you'll find your order confirmation details which you can screenshot for reference.
Verify Your Email Address: Check for any misspellings in the email address you provided when you placed your order(e.g., example@gmail.con). This is one of the most common ways we've seen people not get our emails!
To log in/sign up to your Boost Collective account: Use the email address you used when placing your order, aka the one you see on the order confirmation page you retrieved. Even if the email is invalid, it should work in letting you track your campaign with your account.